Onderstaand uitnodiging Ierland 5-12 juni 2016
Dankbaar en blij zijn we bij-gaande uitnodiging hier te kunnen plaatsen. Geïnspireerd door Tjits die vele malen bij Michael Murphy een workshop in Ierland volgde en zo graag wilde dat op Dzochzen Baera opnieuw LLF plaats zou vinden heeft Michael zich wederom verbonden aan een workshop volgend jaar. Met John als medebegeleider van de workshop en Tjits als enthousiasmerende kracht en medeorganisator en natuurlijk Michael, die bruist van nieuwe ideeën om de wereld middels zijn werkvormen een betere en liefdevollere plek te maken zal er weer een “best work-shop ever” tot stand komen.
Living the Loving Life:
An Experience On The Beara Way
Dear Friends,
Often, we hear ourselves saying “. . .we have no time!” Can it be what we mean is... "'we have no life?" When we have life, we are able to take time and live and love consciously. We are able to make the choice either to live with a sense of curiosity and adventure, or to imagine that we have no time and exist in busy-ness and often, in fear.
We happily invite you and a friend or family member to join us in Ireland from Sunday, June 5th thru Sunday, June 12th 2016 for a workshop that will explore Time, our personal Way, and the wonder of connecting intimately with ourselves and others. We were inspired by John’s epic walks of the 3500Km Appalachian Trail as a younger man and his 800Km journey recently on the Camino de Santiago, and by Tjits’ courage in walking the Love, Loss, and Forgiveness trail, as well as by Michael’s surprising travels into the realm of old age. As travellers, we need time and place to rest and re-vive so that we can get up again and rejoin the journey. Dzogchen Beara is such a place. http://www.dzogchenbeara.org/
So, as you pass through your "best of times and worst of times," make the time to come to Ireland to walk in the nature that embraces Dzogchen Beara and to gaze within at your amazing inner being. Together we will create a GPS for our mortal, soul, and spirit natures: one that will guide each one of us on our life's journey, especially during those periods when we lose our way or seem to have no time. Following our time in Dzogchen Beara, each of us will explore the idea of starting a simple Hospice for Living near to or in our home, and we have some ideas about that! More when we see you!
You all are familiar with working in Trios and with the Talking Stick, and newcomers like your friend or family member will quickly pick up these techniques in this wonder full and safe atmosphere. A few of the Trio “exercises” will have familiar tones, but some will be new. We will be out and about in the beautiful nature around Dzogchen Beara each day rain or shine, so bring rain gear! This will be fun, and we will “be” together, and the week will be timeless because it will be lived and loved to the fullest! www.lovelossforgiveness.org
So, please come to beautiful Dzogchen Beara with friend or family for a journey on the Beara Way or Camino de Beara, and please let us know your intentions as soon as possible so that we can begin this journey together before we meet in Ireland!
Much love, Tjits, John, and Michael
voor aanmelding en praktische details lees verder
voor extra schrijven van Michael en John lees verder